Open an forum account here :
You get 0.4$ per post on this forum
Every month they send your money on the Fxglory account
1 POSTING LIMITS – There is a posting limit of 30 posts a day for each member. However each members can make more posts and add to the discussion but the payment will not exceed 30 posts. Also when members register and make posts their first 10 posts will go under Moderation queue and Administrators will moderate their posts.
NOTE - 30 posting limit perday will be from 00:00 gmt to 00:00 gmt next day OR
4.30 am IST to 4.30 am IST next day
2 REFERRAL BONUS – Members will be provided with referral bonus for each member they refer and
will be paid for their posting as well Separately.
* Referral bonus will be reflected on the next day and when the member registers and posts and on the next day it will reflect in your account .
* There is no payment for posting or making a thread .
3 PAYMENT FOR POST AND REFERRAL POST – The payment of one post is 0.35 $ and for referral
post is 0.15 $
4 PAYMENT CYCLE – Payment will be calculated on first day of each month for posting done in
entire month and credited ANYTIME in their respective trading account attached to their profile within first week of next month. Please do not flood Moderators or Admins with the messages for the same.
Read the following link to know how to create and attach trading account to your profile
5 PROFIT WITHDRAWAL CONDITIONS – Members who make profits from their trading can withdraw
their profits however there are certain conditions of trade for the same which are as follows :
From 0$ till 10 $ = 0.05 of standard lot
From 10 $ till 20 $ = 0.07 of standard lot
From 20 $ till 40 $ = 0.10 of standard lot
From 40 $ till 80 $ = 0.20 of standard lot
From 80 $ till 100 $ = 0.40 of standard lot
From 100 $ till 120 $ = 0.50 of standard lot
From 120 $ till 120 $ = 0.60 of standard lotFrom 120 $ till 150 $ = 0.70 of standard lot
Hereby with every 30 $ profits over and above the lot size would increase by 0.10 of standard lot.
NOTE – These rules are subject to change anytime.
6 RULES REGARDING SPAM – The sole purpose of the forum is to entertain serious discussion. The
rules will be strict for the violators who think they can get away smartly doing anything. Anybody found violating the discipline and decorum of the forum will be strictly dealt with. We do not entertain MULTIPLE ID’S , COPY PASTE , SPAM , VAGUE POSTS ETC. Anybody found doing the same will be first WARNED by the moderators and members who tend to ignore their posts will be deleted and if they continue to do the same will be issued Second warning and if that is ignored they will be BANNED for period decided my the MOD’s. Anybody with MULTIPLE ID’s will be warned and their Second ID will be deleted and the first ID will be deleted at end of the month as well. SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL BEFORE YOU DO THIS.
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