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1. Each new client ForexPalm company is entitled to receive a one-time no deposit bonus. No deposit bonus is not compatible with other types of bonuses from the company. Bonus amount is $ 30.
3. Withdraw profits from trading on the bonus money is only possible with verified accounts. The client agrees to cancel the bonus in full upon application for withdrawal of profits.
4. no deposit bonus can be withdrawn only after a customer transactions a BUY or SELL in a total amount equal to X * 0,25 = lots, where X-is the amount of the bonus. Cnimaemoy can only be the entire amount of the bonus and the possibility of a partial withdrawal of the bonus will be given. In order to remove the bonus money from your trading account, you need to create and send a request to the following address: support@forexpalm.com. Please note that the removable bonus must be listed on the trading account at the time of consideration of the manager of your withdrawal request. The Company reserves the right to reject any application for withdrawal of bonus money, without giving any reasons. *
5. Profits with no deposit bonus can be removed only if it exceeds 20% of the bonus amount. When this becomes available to the removal of any profits in excess of this limit.
6. Company reserves the right to cancel the no deposit bonus without any warning, so the company is strongly recommended to use in the calculation of bonuses or future profitability of current trading strategy used. The Company is not responsible for any consequences or resulting from cancellation of bonus, including offensive Stop Out, since that accrued bonus is 100% owned by the Company prior to its discovery by mining the required number of lots specified in paragraph 4 of this agreement. *
7. Maximum leverage for customers who received no deposit bonus is 1:300.
8. Level stop-out for these accounts is 50%.
9. Client agrees that in the event of suspicion of manipulation using the bonus, the bonus can be canceled and revoked the trading result.
* This item is needed to prevent any fraud with the bonus line, but its use does not mean that all the accounts for which the company has already obtained earlier cancels bonuses are recognized in violation of any rules, since not all cases, we can uniquely determine a violation of rules or fraud. Note that the probability of erroneous cancellation bonus in the fight against fraud and abuse of the bonus system, as a rule, does not exceed 10%.
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